Upcoming Events

  • Healing School with Ana Werner

    Deitails coming soon. The healing school is a  life changing week with the top seasoned teachers who operate and minister in the gifts of the Holy Spirit! This school is not only for those wanting to learn how to operate in

  • Matt Sorger Conference

    Schedule: Friday - 7:00-9:30pm Saturday - 1:00-3:00pm & 7:00-9:30pm Sunday - 1:00pm (Open meeting) We are excited to have Matt Sorger again in Iceland May 30th to June 2nd! Early bird ticket will be available until May

Apostolic Mission Into Iceland!

Out of Iceland!

“And he gave some, as apostles; and some, as prophets; and some, as evangelists; and some, as pastors and teachers; For the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ:”  –Ep 4:11-12

Raising Financial Support  

The Vision and primary mission of I AM Equipping Centre is to equip the body of Christ for works of service (Ephesians 4:12).   We believe that every person who has received Christ as Saviour has been called and ordained by the Lord for works of service both within the body of Christ and in the market place.

Doing this both efficiently and effectively requires resources plus the participation of functioning Five Fold Ministry leaders.  Both of these require a steady flow of income.  Since non of the I AM team members currently receive remuneration from the ministry, our expenses are incurred from hiring of venues, hosting equipping conferences and logistical expenses.

Besides the sacrificial giving by members of the I AM team there are three other ways that we raise support for what we do.

  1. Conference Fees?

We believe that the gospel is free because the price for our salvation has already been paid for through the death of Christ.  We also believe that it is the primary responsibility of the local church is to turn every new believer into a functioning disciple of Christ so that he/she can know Christ intimately through worship and prayer, exercise faith in Christ and participate in the activities and services of the local church.

Equipping discipled Christians for works of ministry, particularly those mentioned in Ephesians 4:11 as well as other leadership roles requires a more specialized ministry.   We believe in employing the services of men and women who already function officially in one or more of these gifts.  Because they serve the body of Christ as full-time consultants in their official capacity, their expertize deserves full honour.   The Bible clearly instructs us not to “muzzle the ox while it is treading out the grain and the worker deserves his wages.” (1 Timothy 5:18, 1 Corinthians 9:9).

It is for this reason that we charge a nominal fee to cover workbooks, writing materials and the consultancy expenses of the speakers.

  1. Free-will offerings

We also take up free-will offerings at our Bi weekly equipping meetings as well as our conferences to offset some of the logistical costs incurred in making these events possible.

  1. Regular / periodic donations

For those who feel the desire to support the ministry on a regular basis or want to make a one time deposit please find the full banking details below:

The Great I AM has Sent Me to You.

And he said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” – Mark 16:15

Our Mission

Our mission is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and equip the saints for the work of ministry. Our ministry is deeply founded on solid discipleship and walking with Christ, following in the footsteps of Christ our Savior.  Our mission is pointing others to Him that is the way, the truth, and the life!

Our Values

Our values are to talk in a culture of honor and to promote intimacy with God through worship and adoration and being transformed as we encounter His presence. We strive to teach the full gospel of the Bible as the foundation of every follower of Jesus Christ and walking in His love. Our values also involve raising up and equipping disciples who manifest the kingdom of God locally and internationally.

Our Vision

Our vision is to build ministries that touch and impact the world by equipping the saints for the work of ministry. We are an International Mission-Minded Ministerial Association. We plant churches, help others to plant churches and start ministries and move in their callings and giftings. We are here to support the saints to impact the world for Jesus Christ.

Our Faith

We believe the Church is meant to grow like a family. As we intentionally build relationships across cultural and generational lines, the Kingdom of God continues to impact and transform countless lives, hearts, and homes around the world.

Latest news from our blog



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